Tuesday 4 March 2014


The Guide
by Ashvin Varghese
     “Knock- knock”, and you guys go, “whose there”, then I reply, “Back”, and you guys go again, “back who?” and with a charming smile on my face I go, “Sexy Back!”. I ‘m sure all you ladies genuinely feel like smacking me across the face now, hey, a man can try right. I am feeling a little cheeky as I write this edition of Le Guide, so gentlemen please tolerate my writing for today and ladies, I hope you enjoy it.  
           So we are already at number 3, time really flies at a few blinks of an eye; I am just 97 women shy of my 100 goal. Slow and steady progress is nevertheless progress I guess. For this edition I have genuinely found a very strong, independent and charismatic character. Someone who has set vivid goals and is ambitious at realizing them, briefly put No.3 is a woman of the 21 century.

       As usual before we get to the interview, let’s get to course of events that eventually lead to me interviewing No.3. Honestly, No.3 was approached without the intention of me going out for a scouting adventure, meaning that it was not planned and it happened by chance. I was busy attending a really interesting talk about the benefits of visual arts. I am going to go off topic a bit here; the talk was a really good experience for me as it describes art as a language, I would like to think of it as the language of the soul. The workshop that was conducted at the talk was simple yet very deep; it really helps a person to loosen up from the stresses of everyday life. I have not acquired permission from the speaker of this talk to list it here, but if any of you are interested please do contact me for any information on it. I strongly encourage people to join and experience it, plus it’s not heavy on the wallet (RM 15.00).

         Back to No.3, So here I am at this talk dressed up rather messily wearing a white shirt with an overall jacket and dark blue jeans paired with a pair of torn sneakers (yeah, I sound like a broke ass). Adding on to that, I forgot to shave; I look like Tom Hanks in Castaway basically. At the end of the talk I meet a mutual acquaintance of mine and start causally chatting with her. She so happens to be one of the facilitators of the talk. It suddenly occurs to me that I have not interviewed anyone for the day and the opportunity seemed present, thus I carried my scruffy self-up to her and said, “Darling will you be my No.3”. She looks to me at disbelief and screams in ecstasy. I’m being cheeky; sadly that was not how it went, I simply brought up my blog to her, explained the idea behind it and politely asked her if I could steal her for 10mins. I made her an offer she could not refuse (eyebrow roll).

       The good news is she agreed to let me pick at her thoughts. This interview went rather quickly as she was still on the clock, I still managed to get some interesting perspectives. Now to the part where all you boys are waiting for: - how No.3 looks? In my eyes No.3 poses this elegant oriental look. She has this sweet yet mischievous demeanour which will get most guys hooked, that’s a guarantee. No.3 also has a rather sleek fashion sense, a cross between office-formal and a casual funkiness or hip if I am correct. Another thing that I can’t forget to mention is that No.3 has long silky hair which I think a lot of women will envy. The best part about her physically has to be her lean body and height (5ꞌ6"~5ꞌ7"). The closest celebrity comparison that I think comes close to her is Rebecca Hall.

      Besides having good physical attributes, No.3 gives out an aura of charisma and ambition. No.3 is of Malay ethnicity. I hope my humble attempt at describing her was good enough for you guys. Let us leave her physical nature at that and move on to the interview.

Q&A Session

1.            What do you think about Malaysian men? Give your personal opinion based on your experience thus far.

No.3 states that in her experience with men in Malaysia, she finds that the majority of guys are arrogant. She thinks that they have that so called show off attitude, being too cocky. She wants guys to be more relaxed and a little less egoistic.

2.                  Based on your experience do you find it hard for guys to approach you?

 She finds it hard for guys to approach her because apparently guys claim that she has a fierce look. I don’t think the word fierce is accurate, I personally think it’s her strong charisma, as I said she is a strong woman. She also finds herself not so feminine, which she thinks makes it hard for guys to approach her. I bet there are guys who actually find this fact attractive. Maybe it just takes a real man to woo her I guess.

3.                  What’s your Ideal guy?

This strong charismatic woman wants a man to be down to earth. She admires a man who makes her laugh, a person with a good sense of humour. She also wants a man to be understanding and matured when it comes to know her ideals. Those are some simple straight forward qualities, guys pay attention.

4.                  In your experience what is the worst way has a guy approached you?

No.3 takes a deep breath and tells me that she has had a few bitter experiences where she has been sexually harassed and insulted, she tells me that some guys directly approach her by asking her about her lady parts. Sometimes I really wonder if this actually works and women actually entertain them. I can’t imagine myself walking up to a random woman and saying, “hey lady niceeee bOObies”.

5.                  What do you think will put you off when a guy tries to approach you?

Body Odour! Guys every women I have so far interviewed has stressed this importance. Save up and buy a bottle of expensive cologne, it might make you get lucky.

6.                  Do you find it offensive when guys comment on how much makeup you wear?

No.3 has no comment on this question. She says she doesn’t really wear makeup; she likes to go au-naturale. I look up to her face and I agree with her, she wears no makeup, wow! She finds that women are beautiful creatures and they should try too not over use on the makeup. Too much makeup makes a women look plastic she says.

7.                  In real world Malaysia how would you like a guy to approach or court you?

No.3 wants a man to be simple. Nothing beats simplicity, she does not want a guy to be too flattery. Be polite and be a man (Russell Peters style).

8.                  What kind of stereotype would you like to change that you think Malaysian men have?

No.3 says that she is always a victim of being stereotyped. She says guys always find her to be slutty because she is not girly or feminine, because of this some guys also find her to be a rough person (I think from a sexual point of view). She really wants this perspective about women to change.

9.                  The Stigma, when a guy sleeps around, many social circles will consider him some kind of hero or respect his exploits and he will still be accepted by the community. Women on the other hand will get a baptism of fire from both sexes. In most cases the biggest critic will be a woman. What is your say on this?

She finds this situation to be extremely unfair as man and women are just mere reflections of each other in different cloths. On the part where women are the biggest critic, she say that this because of pure jealousy. I am impressed, what a simple and easy way to put it.

Bonus Question

 What is your opinion on breast implants?

No.3 does not like that fact of women getting implants for the sake of enhancing their beauty. She thinks that breast implants take away the natural beauty of a woman and makes a woman look plastic. She also highlights the fact that nothing beats the feel of the real thing, cheeky cheeky.

     Dear readers I hope you take in the views and opinions of No.3. I feel that No.3 gave a rather matured response to all the questions. I sincerely hope that some of her answers help give some of you a better understanding on some social conflicts that men and women face every day, with that said I would like to give a warm thank you to No.3 for taking her precious time to let me interview her. As Jeremy Clarkson says, “On that bombshell”, I would like to conclude this edition/episode of The Guide, I wish all of you well and do stay tuned for the next personality. Teehee.


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